Starting a business in underprivileged neighborhoods

“Starting a business in Clermont Auvergne Métropole’s neighborhoods”:
a partnership project run by the Métropole and its partners to support entrepreneurship in the underprivileged areas targeted as a priority by local authority policies (Quartiers Politique de la Ville – QPV) and in the districts requiring local authority intervention but to a lesser extent (Quartiers de Veille Active – QVA).

To foster business creation in fragile areas, Clermont Auvergne Métropole takes action by uniting the dynamic forces of local actors (those involved in entrepreneurship, economic development, employment and inclusion, etc.) to provide suitable, local support.

The priority areas concerned are: Saint Jacques, Northern neighborhoods, La Gauthière and Fontaine du Bac in Clermont-Ferrand; Southern neighborhood in Cournon d’Auvergne, Parural-les-Pègues in Gerzat and Le Breuil-les-Chapelles in Aulnat.

Several initiatives are implemented:

  • Promoting entrepreneurship in the neighborhoods during local events on business creation.
    The chambers of commerce, industry and trade organize events with the aim of promoting business creation in the neighborhoods (workshops, highlighting creators from or established in the neighborhoods, etc.).
    In 2018, testimonials given by entrepreneurs from QPVs were organized during the CCI’s Osez l’Entreprise Forum (Dare to Start a Company) and the CMA’s Transmission Forum.
  • Raising awareness among young people from fragile neighborhoods about business creation and support for entrepreneurship
    (especially the 16-25 age group from underprivileged neighborhoods who need to be better informed and made aware of the entrepreneurial spirit and the possibilities of support for business creation in their area).
    Events are proposed in places where this young audience can be targeted, in close cooperation with the Métropole’s two local missions and coordinated by BGE Auvergne.
  • Raising awareness among the inhabitants of fragile neighborhoods as to business creation and support for entrepreneurship.
    Action is taken among the general public, at local level, with the aim of giving information about ordinary measures regarding support for business creations. This awareness-raising is coordinated by Initiative Clermont Métropole in liaison with Auchan Clermont Nord shopping mall.
  • Recognition of successful career paths through radio communication campaigns.
    By broadcasting portraits of entrepreneurs and company managers from or established in the neighborhoods and recognizing their careers, people with a project or idea are encouraged to start a business. These portraits will be made by Le Connecteur. They will be supplemented by an audio documentary produced by L’Onde Porteuse.