Wellness, Prevention, Health & Nutrition

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The territory encompasses a set of basic and mutually reinforcing skills that cover all the sectors of health. Often leaders in their field, the various local players in wellness, prevention, health and nutrition clock up 20,000 jobs alone, i.e. a quarter of the workforce of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.

Individualized patient care, preventive medicine, lifelong mobility, nutrition and wellness: these leading social issues are central to the strategy of health players in Clermont Auvergne Métropole. The triangle of companies, players in higher education and research and competitiveness clusters is all the more productive since it benefits from the vitality of a University Teaching Hospital, a Human Nutrition Research Centre and the Lyon Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Cancer Research Cluster. To speed up the marketing of innovative products and services designed for health prevention and an improved quality of life, companies also have dedicated sites at their disposal conducive to hosting them and their expansion.

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