The main business creation support structures

  • CCI du Puy-de-Dôme
    The Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Puy de Dôme) supports project promoters who want to create or take over a service, sales or industrial company. Advisors provide support from the idea through to materialization of the project and in developing your business.
    Tel.: +33 (0)4 73 43 43 13 .
  • CMA du Puy-de-Dôme
    The Chambre des Métiers et de l’Artisanat (CMA – Chamber of Trades & Crafts) of Puy de Dôme supports project promoters who want to create or take over a craft business. Advisors provide support from the idea through to materialization of the project and in developing your business.
    Tel.: +33 (0)4 73 31 52 00 .
  • BGE Auvergne
    BGE Auvergne supports project promoters in putting their project together: defining the concept, market survey, finance plan, etc., through to materialization and development of the business: support for business development, communication strategy, etc. BGE Auvergne is a structure supported by Clermont Auvergne Métropole.
    Tel.: +33 (0)4 73 35 12 39 .
  • Chambre d’Agriculture
    The Puy de Dôme Chamber of Agriculture supports project promoters who want to create or take over a farm. The Information Help Desk sees all project promoters and steers them in the right direction depending on their needs. Advisors provide support from the idea through to materialization of the project and in developing your business.
    Contact : Andrée TISSERAND, PAI Advisor . Tel.:+33 (0)4 73 44 43 35 .
  • Pole Emploi (Job Agency)
    Pôle Emploi offers jobseekers workshops to raise awareness about business creation (“M’imaginer créateur” and “Mon projet et moi”) for those who are considering setting up their business. Pôle Emploi also proposes a training course, Activ-Créa, which enables people who want to create their business to have individual follow-up and group support for a few months in order to go from idea to project.
    Contact: your Pôle Emploi advisor
  • CoAgir
    CoAgir is a business insulator that makes it possible for project promoters to learn to start a new business safely. The project promoter tests their project on a real scale (purchase, sales, invoices) before registering, in an interim legal framework, the “Contrat d’Appui au Projet d’Entreprise” (CAPE – Contract for Business Project Support). This contract between the insulator and the future creator is for a 12-month renewable period (36 months maximum). The person benefiting from the insulator continues to receive their benefits or minimum welfare benefits. They receive customized support and dedicated tools for the duration of the CAPE.Tel.: +33 (0)4 73 35 15 60 .
  • Appuy Createurs
    Appuy Créateurs is an activities and jobs cooperative enabling project promoters to test their market full-scale, to get support in developing their activity, to benefit from a network of entrepreneurs with whom they can work or exchange ideas and to carry on with their individual project in a shared company.
    When the project promoter’s activity generates sales, they sign a permanent employment contract and become a salaried entrepreneur. This status, ratified by the SSE act of 2014, allows the creator to enjoy the benefits of salaried employee status under the general Social Security regime, including social security cover and a monthly wage, while keeping the control and management of their project.
    Tel.: +33 (0)4 73 93 02 29 . .
  • CIDFF – (Information Centre for Women’s and Family Rights)
    The CIDFF is an association whose aim is to foster social, professional and personal autonomy for women and to promote equality between men and women. Among their areas of intervention, they see and give information and support to women who want to set up their business.
    The CIDFF organizes workshops to raise awareness about business creation, proposes sponsors for project promoters thanks to the Relationn’Elles network and provides support from the idea through to the project via a training period.
    Contact: Sarah SINEMIAN – Employability Advisor and PLIE contact person . Tel.: +33 (0)4 73 25 63 95
    A centre for student entrepreneurship in Auvergne that supports business creation among students by helping them to put their project together and to network with the entrepreneurial ecosystem. PEPITE supports the national system for the student-entrepreneur diploma.
    Contact:Tel: +33 (0)4 43 76 20 06  .
    ASKIP offers the following to business creators in the key pre-creation stages: market survey, writing a business plan, financial planning, product/service launch, business management, strategy, marketing and advertising.
    Contact: Anas DADIR .Tel: +33 (0)7 67 31 83 13 .
  • Ordre régional des Avocats (Regional Bar Association)
    he Ordre des Avocats du Barreau de Clermont-Ferrand provides support for project promoters in creating and developing their business by helping them to pinpoint the right contact depending on their needs: advice on the choice of legal and fiscal status for the business, on the fiscal and social status of the company director, on company property, on the method of funding, on writing contracts (general terms and conditions of sale, service agreements), on intellectual property and many other areas of expertise.
    The Ordre des Avocats de Clermont-Ferrand can offer an initial appointment, free of charge, depending on the project promoter’s situation, in order to get a legal guidance appointment.
    Contact: Tel.: +33 (0)4 73 37 39 04 .
  • Ordre régional des Experts Comptables  (Regional Association of Chartered Accountants)
    The Ordre des Experts-Comptables Auvergne provides support for project promoters in creating and developing their business by helping them to pinpoint the right contact depending on their type of need: advice about the viability of the business and the finance plan, seeking money, choosing the legal and fiscal status of the business and its manager, administrative formalities, administrative and accounting management of the business, etc.
    Business Story offer: Volunteer chartered accountants give business creators three appointments to move their projects forward.
    Contacts : .